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SnapChat Moderator
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Registered:over 2 years ago
Last Seen:about 1 year ago
Profile Views:788
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Honestly I love the new name!

KittTea <3 over 2 years ago

Glad to see you're still here in the community! Love seeing all the "old people" playing still :)

GamerMason over 2 years ago

Hey everybody, my IGN is SnapChat!


I've been with the Chaotic family for quite a while now. Been here since the very start back in 1.0(2013). Chaotic has been a big part of my life! The staff team has been putting in so much effort to get it back up and running for you guys so big shout out to them! :)


If you ever need any help feel free to DM on here or through the discord!


SnapChat over 2 years ago
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