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Registered:over 2 years ago
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Accounting. I finished up my bachelor's degree this past December and got started on my Masters this semester. Hoping to get my CPA exams done by graduation in May of 2023 as well.

Brownie8299 over 2 years ago

Doing an intro reminds me of the first day of school when that one teacher would be like "Alright class, let's go around and introduce ourselves now". Only difference between this and school is that I get rewarded for this so here it goes.


I am Brownie8299, Brownie for short. I don't remember what reset I started on. I think it was the original season or the 2nd. I don't know, I remember playing when I was 16 and now I'm 22, 23 in a few months. I am still in college. I finish my Masters degree in May 2023 and have a full time job lined up afterwards. I enjoy bowling and playing disc golf. No, I have not had a perfect game yet. Unless you consider Wii Bowling then I have in that case.

I said more here than I ever did in class. Any who, I'll catch y'all when the server drops.

Brownie8299 over 2 years ago
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